A more complete list can be found on Google Scholar.
M. Sakarvadia, A. Ajith, A.M. Khan, N.C. Hudson, C. Geniesse, K. Chard, Y. Yang, I. Foster, M. Mahoney. Mitigating Memorization in Language Models. Spotlight at the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2025. [pdf] [blog]
O. Weng, M. Andronic, D. Zuberi, J. Chen, C. Geniesse, G.A. Constantinides, N. Tran, N. Fraser, J. Duarte, R. Kastner. Greater than the Sum of its LUTs: Scaling Up LUT-based Neural Networks with AmigoLUT. International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA), 2025. [pdf]
T. Xie*, J. Chen*, Y. Yang*, C. Geniesse*, G. Shi, A. Chaudhari, J.K. Cava, M.W. Mahoney, T. Perciano, G.H. Weber, R. Maciejewski. LossLens: Diagnostics for Machine Learning Through Loss Landscape Visual Analytics. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2024. [pdf] (*equal contribution)
T. Baldi, [et al, including C. Geniesse]. Reliable edge machine learning hardware for scientific application. IEEE 42nd VLSI Test Symposium, 2024. [pdf]
F. Bu, [et al, including C. Geniesse]. RNA-Puzzles Round V: Blind Predictions of 23 RNA Structures. Nature Methods, 2024.
S.K.L. Quah, B. Jo, C. Geniesse, L.Q. Uddin, J.A. Mumford, D.M. Barch, D.A. Fair, I.H. Gotlib, R.A. Poldrack, M. Saggar. A Data-Driven Latent Variable Approach to Validating the Research Domain Criteria Framework. Nature Communications, 2024.
D. Hasegan, C. Geniesse, S. Chowdhury, M. Saggar. Deconstructing the Mapper Algorithm to Extract Richer Topological and Temporal Features from Functional Neuroimaging Data. Network Neuroscience, 2024. [code]
C. Geniesse*, S. Chowdhury*, M. Saggar. NeuMapper: A Scalable Computational Framework for Multiscale Exploration of the Brain’s Dynamical Organization. Network Neuroscience, 2022. [code] (*equal contribution)
T. Morris, E. Sue, C. Geniesse, W. Brieher, V. Tang. Synaptopodin is Required for Stress Fiber and Contractomere Assembly at the Epithelial Junction. J. Cell Biology, 2022.
H. Xie, R. Beaty, S. Jahanikia, C. Geniesse, N. Sonalkar, M. Saggar. Spontaneous and Deliberate Modes of Creativity: Multitask Eigen-Connectivity Analysis Captures Latent Cognitive Modes During Creative Thinking. NeuroImage, 2021.
J. Koehler Leman, [et al, including C. Geniesse]. Macromolecular Modeling and Design in Rosetta: Recent Methods and Frameworks. Nature Methods, 2020.
Z. Miao, [et al, including C. Geniesse]. RNA-Puzzles Round IV: 3D Structure Predictions of Four Ribozymes and Two Aptamers. RNA, 2020.
C. Geniesse, O. Sporns, G. Petri, M. Saggar. Generating Dynamical Neuroimaging Spatiotemporal Representations (DyNeuSR) Using Topological Data Analysis. Network Neuroscience, 2019. [code] [demos]
Z. Wu, B. Ramsundar, E. Feinberg, J. Gomes, C. Geniesse, A. Pappu, K. Leswing, V. Pande. MoleculeNet: A Benchmark for Molecular Machine Learning. Chemical Science, 2018.
A. Watkins, C. Geniesse, W. Kladwang, P. Zakrevsky, L. Jaeger, R. Das. Blind Prediction of Noncanonical RNA Structure at Atomic Accuracy. Science Advances, 2018.
Z. Miao, [et al, including C. Geniesse]. RNA-Puzzles Round III: 3D RNA Structure Prediction of Five Riboswitches and One Ribozyme. RNA, 2017.
E. Tran, C. Geniesse, E. Finn, M. Saggar. Linking Event Memories Formed During Naturalistic Narratives with Attentional Engagement and Emotion. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) Annual Meeting, 2023.
D. Haşegan, C. Geniesse, S. Chowdhury, M. Saggar. Deconstructing Mapper to Reveal the Brain’s Dynamic Organization. Computational Psychiatry Course, 2022.
C. Geniesse, J. Bruno, H. Xie, S. Jahanikia, N. Sonalkar, M. Saggar. Examining Brain Dynamics Associated with Trait Rumination Using Video Self-Reflection. Society of Biological Psychiatry (SOBP) Annual Meeting, 2022.
C. Geniesse*, S. Chowdhury*, M. Saggar. Exploring the Landscape of Brain Dynamics Using Topological Data Analysis. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) Annual Meeting, 2020. (*equal contribution)